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What is a birth doula?


To put it simply, a birth doula is a paid, well educated support person to assist you and your family through labour and birth.

A doula is NOT a midwife, OB/GYN, nurse, lactation consultant or maternal care provider. When you hire a birth doula, they will only provide non-medical support

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How can a birth doula help you?


We can guide you in applying the information you have learned about childbirth (through research, classes or experience) to the more stressful and unpredictable labour environment

- We provide constant mental and physical support, starting from the beginning of regular contractions.

Fun Fact: Most nurses, doctors, and even midwives are unable to provide constant support for a labouring patient. They are usually dealing with multiple patients at once and are unable to linger on one particular patient. Although your care providers will do everything they can to ensure that you have a safe labour and delivery, it is not in their scope of practice to provide a supported one. 

- We can relieve the labouring person's partner so they can get a meal, nap, shower or take a break when needed

- We can bring beverages, hot packs, ice, food or anything else mom (or their partner) may need

- We can reassure you in your well being and your ability to give birth. With experience and training, doulas are highly educated in labour and birth so we can answer any questions that may arise and put your mind at ease.

- We help partners participate in helping mom work through contractions

- We help you develop your birth plan and personalized strategies to work through labour

- We help with baby's first feed and the immediate postpartum period. Most women are unable to see a lactation consultant until 18-24 hours postpartum. A birth doula can help get breastfeeding off on the right foot until you are able to see a certified lactation consultant. 

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